We are opening a second call to submit proposals for the organisation of special training sessions, workshops or short courses with ISSIA support in 2018. These sessions could be standing alone or be in conjunction with other major events such as scientific conferences organised by other related scientific societies worldwide.

ISSIA will provide financial help to a maximal amount of € 650 to cover general organisation expenses such as food, subsistence, venue hiring, accommodation and so forth. Specific requests for ISSIA financial support will be dealt by ISSIA board on a case-by-case basis;

The proposal should include:

  • The name and affiliation of the organiser of the training session (or course/workshop) and planned names of the teaching staff delivering the training or course, and the aimed audience attending the course. The organiser should be a member of the ISSIA;
  • Venue - exact location and description of possibilities showing that there will be sufficient capacity of lecture theatres (or enough laboratory space and relevant pieces of equipment if the training/course has a practical element);
  • Estimated budget plan - it should be clearly stated that the course will be self-financed through registration fees, sponsorships, donations and grants;
  • The course organiser is encouraged to liaise with the relevant companies (providing stereology or image analysis software and imaging devices) to become corporate members of ISSIA and have stands during the course/workshop;
  • The course organiser is encouraged to seek regional grant-scheme calls from other scientific societies to help run an event. An example is given in the following link: https://www.rsb.org.uk/get-involved/grants/regional-grant-scheme. This support should be specified in the proposal.

ISSIA will help intensively with advertisement of the short course/workshop via its Board and all other members, via ISSIA webpage and also via IAS journal. In addition, the course organiser is encouraged to liaise with other scientific journals (such as Journal of Anatomy and Journal of Microscopy) to advertise the event to a broader scientific community.

Applications should be sent to ISSIA secretary Aleš Kladnik by email to info@issia.net, ales.kladnik@bf.uni-lj.si.

Deadline for application: March 9, 2018

Call text

Second call for organization of training sessions, workshops and short courses with ISSIA support (PDF)

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