S4G 2018, Prague, June 25-29, 2018
The next event in the series of conferences on stereology and related topics held in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic (CASC'76, CMMSIA'82, CASIA'88, 6ECS'93, S4G'99, S4G'06, S4G'12). Further information on the conference website.
Main topics
- Application of stereology in life sciences and materials sciences
- Application of spatial statistics in ecology, environmental and other sciences
- Methodology of spatial statistics, geostatistics
- Stochastic geometry and random sets
- Integral geometry and theoretical stereology
- Image processing and mathematical morphology
Plenary speakers
- Karl-Anton Dorph-Petersen, Aarhus University
- David Dereudre, Lille 1 University
- Günter Last, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Local organizers
- Zbyněk Pawlas (chair)
- Kateřina Helisová (scientific secretary)
- Conforg, s.r.o.
Contact: s4g@karlin.mff.cuni.cz
Flyer: http://s4g.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/S4G2018-flyerA4.pdf
The programme will also include invited sessions, contributed talks and posters. Participants are encouraged to suggest and organize invited sessions (minisymposia) of three speakers to a given topic.
The online registration will be open from December 1, 2017.
For further information visit the web page http://s4g.karlin.mff.cuni.cz