International Society for
Stereology & Image Analysis

The 2020 Workshop directed by Daniel A. Peterson is offered on August 10-14, 2020. The course is reorganized to be held virtually. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a comprehensive background in the theory and practice of modern histological preparation and microscopic analysis for research...

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Accurately quantifying nervous system composition is critical for evaluating significant changes over time or after injury/treatment, but numbers are traditionally obtained by human observation. With machine learning, it becomes possible to train software to recognize and quantify cells of interest....

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XXVIII Curso de Técnicas Estereológicas en Histología y Neurobiología

Intensive Course intended for biological researchers from different backgrounds who are interested in learning about the fundaments and practical applications of Stereology. In addition to personally carrying out a number of pra...

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The Polish Society for Stereology has the honour to welcome you to the 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Stereology in Materials STERMAT’2020 which will be held in Wisla, Poland from June 14-17, 2020.

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The 15th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis finished today and we would like to thank the local organising committee for a very pleasant and fruitful time in Aarhus! Visit the conference website for the programme and abstracts of the diverse scientific sessions, while the a...

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The International Society for Stereology and Image Analysis (ISSIA) would like to congratulate Dr. Johannes A. Österreicher for winning the second ISSIA PhD competition with his PhD thesis "Characterization of Al-Mg-Si Alloys for Automotive Safety Parts" (2018). Johannes A. Österreicher conducted his PhD thesis under the supervision of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicola Hüsing & Ass.-Prof. Dr. Gilles R. Bourret at the University of Salzburg, Austria.

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The ICSIA 2019 conference just posted an updated programme here:

ISSIA awarded two Hans Elias bursaries to support participation of PhD students in the ICSIA 2019 congress in Aarhus, May 27-30. One applicant later resigned.

The Hans Elias bursary recipient in 2019 is

  • Filip Seitl (Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic) working on modelling of polycrystalline materials using random tessellations in 3D

This workshop is the 20th workshop in the series of biannual Workshops on Stochastic Geometry, Stereology and Image Analysis. These workshops constitute a principal forum for researchers working with random geometric objects. Since the beginning, the workshops have focused on both, the consolidation and advance of the title disciplines, and their development as valuable tools in a number of applied fields.

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