International Society for
Stereology & Image Analysis

This stereology workshop offers a comprehensive educational and research experience for national and international students and scientists to enhance their skills in the area of anatomy, histology, pathology, neurology, microscopy, imaging, stochastic geometry etc.

Venue: Faculty of veterinary me...

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We are opening a second call to submit proposals for the organisation of special training sessions, workshops or short courses with ISSIA support in 2018. These sessions could be standing alone or be in conjunction with other major events such as scientific conferences organised by other related scientific societies worldwide.

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The International Society for Stereology and Image Analysis (ISSIA) would like to congratulate Dr. Annick De Backer for being the first awardee of the ISSIA PhD competition with her PhD thesis "Quantitative atomic resolution electron microscopy using advanced statistical techniques (2015)". Annick De Backer conducted her PhD thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sandra Van Aert within the Electron Microscopy of Materials Research (EMAT) group, University of Antwerp.

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International workshop in honor of Dominique Jeulin

Peninsula of Oléron (Atlantic coast, France), June 17-23, 2018

This international workshop is organized in the honor and in the presence of Dominique Jeulin, after he retired from École des Mines in 2016. The workshop aims to promote ideas and...

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S4G 2018, Prague, June 25-29, 2018

The next event in the series of conferences on stereology and related topics held in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic (CASC'76, CMMSIA'82, CASIA'88, 6ECS'93, S4G'99, S4G'06, S4G'12). Further information on the conference website.

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Join us!

18 Sep 2017 society

The International Society for Stereology & Image Analysis (ISSIA) is an international scientific society aiming to promote stereology and image analysis in a wide range of disciplines, such as mathematics, biomedicine, physics, geology, metallurgy, plant biology, etc. ISSIA organizes alternatingly International and European Conferences every two years.

Stereology is an interdisciplinary field of research concerned with the three-dimensional interpretation of lower dimensional samples of materials or tissues. It utilizes random, systematic sampling to provide unbiased and quantitative data from microscopic images.

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Kaiserslautern, September 11-14, 2017

Further information on ECSIA 2017 conference website.

Kaiserslautern, right in the middle between Paris and Frankfurt, is easy to reach from both cities. The conference is organized jointly by the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUKL) and the Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM).

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The next NEUBIAS Conference will take place in Szeged, Hungary from the 27th of January to the 2nd of February, 2018, expected registration opening Sept/Oct 2017.

The COST-funded annual NEUBIAS conference brings together the Bioimaging community. It is targeted at Bioimage Analysts, Image analys...

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You are welcome to submit abstracts for the ECSIA 2017 conference. The abstract submission has been extended to April 18. Poster submissions will be possible till June 15.

Please check the updated information on the program, too:

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